Submitted by SimCenter Feed… on Thu, 08/17/2017 - 11:08

NOTICE: Support a strong Climate Action Plan at the City of San Diego! We need folks to give short (1-2 min) testimony for why the city should move forward with a strong, enforceable Climate Action Plan. If you plan to come please email Dwain Deets.

WHAT is being considered by City Council on TODAY Sept 22?
Full City Council will vote on a Resolution (Agenda Item 200) from Councilmember Alvarez, which supports the City’s efforts to develop and adopt a Climate Action Plan and outlines the goals Council want to see achieved by the Mayor’s final CAP.  (They’re not voting on the climate action plan itself, just a resolution)

The Environment Committee voted 3-1 in support of the resolution in July, but the full Council has yet to vote.

WHY attend?
Sand Diego’s health, safety, and economy are already feeling the impacts of climate change, from the unprecedented drought, to wildfires, heatwaves, and poor air quality, and it’s past time to do something about it!

When Mayor Faulconer took office in March, he was handed a strong, long-term, enforceable draft climate action plan from Todd Gloria that was ready to be finalized through environmental review and on to Council for adoption.  But 6+ months after taking office, Mayor Faulconer hasn’t shown the public the necessary action nor concrete commitments. Instead, he said he’s making changes and will release a revised draft in late September or early October.

NOW is the time for YOU and Council to tell the Mayor what you want! We need YOU to encourage the City to take meaningful action TODAY and let Mayor Faulconer know what climate action you want!

Speaking Points
Position SUPPORT Climate Resolution

•         SUPPORT Councilmember Alvarez’s resolution.

•         SD is already feeling health, safety, and economic burden of climate change.  Mayor Faulconer and the City should take action now to reduce greenhouse gas pollution long-term, prepare SD for the risks of climate change, and improve our quality of life.

•         The Mayor should support the February draft climate plan and make a concrete commitment to adopt a plan that:

•Is enforceable, measurable, long-term (to at least 2035) and complies with state law and the City’s General Plan

•  Meets the pollution reduction goals and strategies in the February draft

•  Gives San Diegans a clean energy choice and puts solar in all communities and

• Make our homes green, healthy, and efficient

•  Provides walkable, bikable neighborhoods for all

• Invests in communities most overburdened by pollution, transportation inequity, and climate impacts

• Creates good-paying, local jobs for residents.


SIGN AND SHARE the online letter asking the Mayor and City Council to pass an enforceable Climate Action Plan that reduces pollution and protects us from the harmful effects of climate change.
