Existing poverty index ‘ideal for assessing the SDGs’


Pablo Correa

[CARTAGENA] The Global Multidimensional Poverty Index, which is a tool for measuring acute poverty, should be used to monitor compliance with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a conference has heard.

Jan Eliasson: There is no peace without development



Georgi Gotev

UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson, who just returned from a number of missions to Iraq, Iran and Lebanon, said Tuesday (3 February) that the international community and the EU should be more active after the end of a conflict, to make sure that it does not happen again.

Web World Wind


Web World Wind is a 3D virtual globe API for HTML5 and JavaScript. Web pages include Web World Wind to provide one or more virtual globes on that page.

UN summit approves 15-year blueprint to eradicate poverty


Edith M. Lederer

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — With the bang of a gavel, international leaders approved an ambitious 15-year plan Friday to tackle the world's biggest problems, from eradicating poverty to preserving the planet to reducing inequality.

NASA: Sea level rise could be worse than we thought


Tia Ghose

The consequences of global sea level rise could be even scarier than the worst-case scenarios predicted by the dominant climate models, which don't fully account for the fast breakup of ice sheets and glaciers, NASA scientists said Wednesday at a press briefing.

11 maps to mark the COP21 climate talks


Elsa Wenzel

Verbose. Indecipherable. Incroyable. Those are just a few ways to describe the dizzyingly complex COP21 climate negotiations in Paris this year.

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